Webinar Launching the Global Foresight for Food and Agriculture Tool

The Food Security Portal (FSP), International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), and CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets (PIM) launched the global foresight tool Impacts of Alternative Investment Scenarios.
The tool was developed by IFPRI’s IMPACT model team and the FSP. The Global Foresight tool provides researchers and policymakers with a flexible way to explore the impact of various agricultural investment scenarios on agricultural production, productivity, and hunger for the period 2010-2050.
The webinar provided information on how to use the tool and how it can be applied to inform decision-makers and other users. In addition to launching the new Foresight tool on agricultural investment scenarios, the webinar included a discussion on the important role of foresight tools in food and agriculture-related decision-making. The webinar provided the space for experts in foresight modelling to share experiences, approaches, challenges, and implications for policy making associated with this area of research.
Objectives of the Webinar
• Launch the Global Foresight tool
• Provide information on how to use the tool on the Food Security Portal.
• Share experiences in foresight-related research for food and agriculture and applications for policymakers.
Webinar Speakers
Rob Vos (Director of Markets, Trade and Institutions Division, IFPRI)
Keith Wiebe (Senior Research Fellow, IFPRI)
Shahnila Dunston (Senior Research Analyst, IFPRI)
Jim Woodhill (Initiative Lead, Foresight4Food)
Steven Prager (Principal Scientist for Integrated Modeling, CIAT)
Ignacio Perez (Economist, European Commission’s Joint Research Center)
Target Audience
Policymakers, researchers, and other stakeholders interested in the topic of foresight tools for food and agriculture.
The work on the IMPACT model has been supported by the CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets (PIM) with additional contributions from the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).