Global Weather Hazards Summary Sees Dry Conditions Continuing to Impact Southern Africa, Guatemala
The latest Global Weather Hazards Summary from FEWS Net is reporting dry conditions throughout parts of Africa and Central America.
In Africa, low and poorly distributed rainfall since October have significantly impacted many areas of southern Africa. This led to reduced water supplies, crop failure, and livestock death across many countries in the region. While the area did experience heavy rainfall in February and March, which may have helped to mitigate some short-term moisture deficits and replenish water supplies in certain areas, the summary reports that much of the central and southern portions of the region saw little to no rainfall. A return to dry conditions in the first week of April suggests that monsoon rains may have already ended for parts of Mozambique, Zimbabwe, and Botswana. Forecasts for the next week are calling for precipitation across the region, with the heaviest rainfall predicted for northern Mozambique into Tanzania.
Ethiopia has also experienced low seasonal Belg rainfall since February, leading to moisture deficits in the central and northern regions of the country. This could exacerbate dry conditions remaining from the previous two seasons of failed precipitation. Average to above average rainfall is forecast for the region for the next week, however, which could help alleviate the negative impacts.
In Guatemala, early season dryness has developed across much of the country. Since the beginning of March, moisture deficits have emerged in several departments in central and southern Guatemala; this could mean a delayed start to the seasonal Primera rains.