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LIVE WEBCAST JUNE 8: Achieving Food Security in SSA Through Food Value Chains

Please join us below Monday June 8, 2015 from 12:15 PM to 1:45 PM (EDT) for an IFPRI seminar presenting findings of food and nutrition security research projects in Africa south of the Sahara (SSA) funded by German federal ministries.

The presentations will highlight results of the projects, share success stories of food value chains, and outline key policies required to achieve food and nutrition security through the value chain approach. Stefan Sieber will present an overview of German research programs and related projects conducted in SSA. Khamaldin Mutabazi and Ephraim Nkonya will present empirical evidence of both success stories and challenges of the value chain approach in Tanzania, and discuss policies that enhance or pose challenges for market development in SSA.


Live streaming video by Ustream

Moderator: Rajul Pandya-Lorch, IFPRI

Welcome: Astrid Jakobs de Pádua, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany; Lily Munanka, Embassy of the United Republic of Tanzania

Speakers: Khamaldin Mutabazi, Sokoine University of Agriculture SUA in Morogoro, Tanzania; Ephraim Nkonya, IFPRI; Stefan Sieber, Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research ZALF

For more information about the seminar, please email event coordinator Simone Hill-Lee at . Find out about upcoming IFPRI events by visiting .