After two consecutive seasons of poor rainfall, the Horn of Africa is experiencing the region's worst drought in 60 years. Drought conditions have led to widespread crop failure and livestock deaths, as well as increasing food prices. Somalia now faces famine conditions in the southern part of the country.
With the crisis predicted to continue until December, the Food Security Portal provides one-stop access to the latest information from FEWS NET, FAO GIEWS, WFP, and IFPRI. Check back often to view new data, alerts, and resources. View Africa Food Security Vulnerability Indices , including indices specific to the Horn of Africa .
Watch US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton discuss meeting the challenge in the Horn of Africa.
Download Infographic on crisis in the Horn of Africa
View IFPRI research on the Horn of Africa.
View FAO GIEWS resources for the Horn of Africa crisis.
View FEWS NET Resources for the Horn of Africa crisis.
Download a FEWS NET report on commercial imports in Somalia.
Watch IFPRI Director General Shenggen Fan's appeal for action in Somalia.
View WFP resources for Somalia , Ethiopia , and Djibouti
View IFPRI resources for Somalia , Ethiopia , Eritrea , and Kenya .
View the 2010 IFPRI Global Hunger Index
Image Source: World Bank