Timor-Leste is confronted by a worsening food security situation that demands urgent attention and action. In the current period of analysis (November 2023 – April 2024), corresponding to the lean season as well as a window of high-impact for El Niño, 27 percent of the total population (about 360,000 people) are estimated to be facing high levels of acute food insecurity (IPC Phase 3 or above), which includes 1 percent (about 19,000 people) classified in IPC Phase 4 (Emergency), and 26 percent (about 342,000 people) in IPC Phase 3 (Crisis). Urgent action is required to protect livelihoods, reduce food consumption gaps, and minimize the use of food-based and livelihood coping strategies for the 27 percent of the population in IPC Phase 3 and above. The main drivers of acute food insecurity are the drought-like conditions caused by El Niño, landslides and floods caused by heavy rains, and unaffordability of food exacerbated by poverty and steadily increasing prices of food.
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