About 14.6 million people (20 percent of the analysed population) experienced high levels of acute food insecurity, classified in IPC Phase 3 or above (Crisis or worse) between February and March 2024. An estimated 14.3 million people are in IPC Phase 3 (Crisis) and about 0.3 million people are in IPC Phase 4 (Emergency). High inflation, coupled with repeated climatic shocks as well as reduced income opportunities are putting high pressures on the poorest households and driving acute food insecurity in the analysed population. Urgent action is required to protect their livelihoods and reduce food consumption gaps. One fifth of the analysed districts were prone to natural shocks in 2023, while the majority had previously been classified between Moderate-to-Severe levels of chronic food insecurity (IPC Chronic Food Insecurity Level 3 and 4) (Source: Bangladesh Chronic Food Insecurity Situation 2019-2024 report).
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