Ending Hunger Crucial to Achieving Sustainable Development, Says FAO

Sustainable development is receiving increasingly widespread attention, being prioritized by the recent G8 Summit and upcoming G20 and Rio+20 Summits. But how can sustainable development realistically be achieved when millions of people worldwide live in food insecurity?
According to a new report released by the FAO, sustainable development must go hand-in-hand with the eradication of hunger and malnutrition. The report, Towards the Future We Want: End Hunger and Make the Transition to Sustainable Agricultural and Food Systems , estimates that unless comprehensive steps are taken, even if global food production increases 60 percent by 2050, 300 million people worldwide will still be left in chronic hunger. The report calls for bold policy actions that will increase employment opportunities and equitable division of assets in the developing world, reduce levels of food waste in developed countries, and establish fair, transparent governance systems at global, regional, national, and local levels.
Read the full report