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East Africa Sees Steadily Rising Food Prices

Jul 2nd, 2012 • by Sara Gustafson

FEWS NET has released its Food Price Watch for June, citing steadily increasing staple food prices in East Africa. Rising prices in the region are being caused by a combination of dwindling supplies from previous harvests and market interruptions due to conflict; many areas of the region were already seeing alarmingly high food prices.

FEWS NET Releases Latest Global Price Watch

Nov 30th, 2011 • by Sara Gustafson

FEWS NET has released the Global Price Watch for November 2011, citing a slight decline in global wheat and maize prices. On the other hand, global rice prices increased slightly due to a decline in Thai exports and floods in Southeast Asia.

Prices in East Asia fell in some surplus-producing areas, as well as areas in the Horn of Africa that continue to receive significant international assistance. Grain supplies are constrained in West Africa due to delayed harvests; this constrain has delayed the seasonal price decreases in that reason.