WTO Food Security Site Keeps Up-to-Date with Latest Food Supply and Market Information
Global food security is constantly impacted by many issues at the local, national, regional, and international levels - politics, agricultural market changes, fuel prices, weather conditions, war, speculation and trading, and many more. Keeping track of all of these developing issues is an overwhelming, but crucial, task for policymakers to appropriately address the needs of the world's food insecure populations.
The World Trade Organization ( WTO ) studies and addresses several of these important issues, including market and trade structure and functioning. Its Agricultural Issues site tracks the latest market and trade developments, as well as the work of the WTO Agriculture Committee and the High-Level Task Force on the Global Food Security Crisis.
The latest addition to the site is the first Market Report of the Agricultural Market Information System (AMIS), a new system created by the collaborative efforts of eight international organizations and supported by the G20. This system will be able to detect abnormal market conditions that could affect food security and to devise well-informed, coordinated strategies to deal with these conditions before they become crises.