With the Russia-Ukraine conflict disrupting global supply chains, roiling markets and raising food and fuel prices, some governments have responded with restrictions on agricultural exports. While these policies may be domestically appealing, however, they have wider ramifications for global food prices and food security, according to the May AMIS Market Monitor. The report emphasizes that restrictive trade measures like export restrictions will further limit available food stocks, raise food and fuel prices even higher, and push poor populations into more acute food security.
As of April, 23 countries had imposed some measure of food export restriction, with 18 of those banning exports altogether, according to the report. These restrictions impact 17 percent of globally traded calories. Wheat, maize, and vegetable oils are among the most impacted crops; as these products make up a significant portion of the consumption basket in many low- and middle-income countries, the restrictions could pose serious challenges for food security in these areas.
Figure 1: Food Export Restrictions During the Ukraine-Russia Crisis
AMIS continues to track agricultural export restrictions, particularly those imposed on staple crops. A March 2022 meeting of the AMIS Rapid Response Forum resulted in a statement urging policymakers to refrain from imposing export restrictions for agricultural products and emphasizing the harmful impact such restrictions have on trade and food security. AMIS also held a webinar on April 13 on “Tracking Export Restrictions and Sanctions” to further promote dialogue and international coordination.
To stay up to date on the latest agricultural export restrictions around the globe, visit the Food Security Portal’s Food and Fertilizer Export Restrictions Tracker.