“The G-20 is the premier forum for our international economic development that promotes open and constructive discussion between industrial and emerging-market countries on key issues related to global economic stability. By contributing to the strengthening of the international financial architecture and providing opportunities for dialogue on national policies, international co-operation, and international financial institutions, the G-20 helps to support growth and development across the globe.” ( G20 Mandate )
Since the founding of the G20 in 1999, it has been acknowledged that global food price stability and food security are essential in promoting a fair, well-functioning global economy. The causes of food price volatility and food insecurity are increasingly complex, however, and the appropriate policy responses to deal with these issues are widely debated. Access to reliable research is critical if the G20 is to have meaningful influence over global financial and economic policymakers.
IFPRI research has led the way in informing the global food security discussion, particularly during the food crisis of 2007-08. From the role of speculation in price crises to the debate over physical and virtual food reserves to the effects of economic partnership agreements , the research conducted by IFPRI from 2007-09 continues to be relevant for the leaders of today’s G20 summit.
See all of IFPRI’s work on food crises and food security.