The control panel for real-time monitoring of risk factors is an innovative tool that brings together information on various drivers of food crises, including conflict and climate-related shocks.
Each layer of the control panel displays information related to food crisis risk factor, including data on COVID-19, conflict, crop conditions, and various climate-related satellite data.
Control Panel for Risk Monitoring Version 3
Control Panel for Risk Monitoring Version 2
The Tool
COVID-19 data and conflict data are shown by default. Use the layer and filter icons on the left side of the control panel to change the risk factors you wish to view.
Data and Layers
Layer 1: COVID-19
The first layer contains the most up-to-date COVID-19 cases. It covers China, the US, Canada, Australia (at province/state level), and the rest of the world (at country level, represented by either the country centroids or their capitals). Data sources are WHO, US CDC, China NHC, ECDC, and DXY. The China data is automatically updating at least once per hour, and non China data is updating manually. This layer is created and maintained by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at the Johns Hopkins University.
Layer 2: Conflict
The second layer is conflict data from the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED).
Layer 3: Crop Monitoring
The third layer displays the early warning crop monitoring product of the GEOGLAM Initiative at the University of Maryland. It provides a transparent, multi-source assessment of international crop growing conditions, crop status updates, and agro-climatic conditions likely to impact global food production.
Layer 4 : Climate data
The fourth layer covers satellite products related to weather such as NDVI, temperature, rainfall, soil moisture, evapotranspiration, and total runoff from various sources. The source is the GEOGLAM Initiative.
Data Source